# Adding "features" sections to the home page

The VuePress default theme has markup that displays a headline-like feature, and a smaller headline-like text explanation. It's all meant to advertise features of your product. These are added using YAML markup called features that, again, is unique to the VuePress default theme.

Here it is isolated:

- title: Parking 
  details: Plenty of free parking at night and free validation during the business day
  • Update your README.md file to look like this, with that addition in context:
home: true
heroText: Springfield Dim Sum
heroImage: heroImage: /img/springfield-dim-sum-800px.png
- title: Parking 
  details: Plenty of free parking at night and free validation during the business day

## Location and Directions

When you update README.md and save it, you'll see this:

Screen shot of home page with 1 feature markup

Now add a couple more and you'll see they're formatted responsively:

home: true
heroText: Springfield Dim Sum
heroImage: heroImage: /img/springfield-dim-sum-800px.png
- title: Parking 
  details: Plenty of free parking at night and free validation during the business day
- title: Healthy Options 
  details: Vegan, vegetarian, and gluten-free options available on request.
- title: We do special events 
  details: We handle events as small as an office meeting to weddings and huge corporate events 

## Location and Directions

As soon as you save you'll see this:

Screen shot of home page with 3 feature markups in portrait mode

And with a responsive horizontal view:

Screen shot of home page with 3 feature markups in landscape mode